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Attendance Policy

and fee agreement

The JBA DBT Program is the evidence-based, comprehensive model of care.  Participation in a DBT program requires commitment of time and resources. It is not right for everyone. DBT has been found to be very effective in reducing significant risk taking and unsafe or maladaptive behaviors when adhered to with full commitment by the client and their parents. It is an intervention to target change in both the individual and their environment. Thus, it requires a willingness to engage in all the components of the intervention. A thoughtful decision is encouraged before entering into this commitment (see program components and length on DBT Components page).

DBT is designed to help individuals cope more skillfully as well as to shape their environment to better meet their needs. For this reason, parents simultaneously learn the same skills in a separate skills group for parents. Parent participation in skills weekly skills groups is mandatory for teens and very strongly encouraged for parents of young adults, particularly those living at home with parents. The group fee (billed under the client) includes participation for one parent in the parent skills group per skills cycle. The weekly parent skills group is held virtually via a HIPAA compliant video platform. Please see the “Teletherapy Consent Form” for more information.

DBT is a team intervention, which allows for thoughtful coordination, collaboration and consultation between the therapists on the DBT team to deliver high quality DBT adherent, evidence-based care to our clients and families. This means clinical information is shared amongst the DBT team of clinicians and the other treating DBT therapists may have access to clinical records.

Group Fees

Julie Baron and Associates does not participate with insurance panels and therefore is an "out of network" provider.  Clients are responsible for submitting invoices to seek any out of network reimbursement benefits. 


The cost for the 90 minute DBT skills group is $185 billed weekly regardless of attendance (see attendance policy) and include both the client and parent skills groups. There is an option for 2 parents to attend the parent skills group during the same cycle if clinically appropriate and for an additional fee of $250/group. Fees for weekly individual sessions are defined in a separate fee agreement.


Some insurance companies are now covering DBT though may require that members seek a “single case exception”.  If your therapist can be of assistance in providing information to your insurance company please let them know. More information on how to advocate with insurance may be found on the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. DBT Consortium website 

Client Attendance

If the adolescent/young adult misses a skills group for any reason (including hospitalization, vacation or illness) the full group fee will be billed as a missed or cancelled appointment. Missed or cancelled appointments are typically not insurance reimbursable. If an adolescent misses more than 5 sessions in a 24-week cycle for any reason, they will have “dropped out” of skills group and will no longer be billed for group sessions. They may apply for readmission after one full module has been completed in their absence, during which time commitment may be re-established in the individual sessions.  For graduate group, consistency of attendance is critical to the therapeutic value of the group.  A separate attendance policy will be provided should you choose to participate.

Parent Attendance

Parents (1 parent per client) are expected to attend regularly and come to parent skills group even if their adolescent misses the adolescent skills group for any reason. The parent group focuses on the use of DBT skills to help parents exhibit effective and skillful responses to their adolescent’s behaviors. Modeling consistent use of skills and commitment to the treatment are critical for encouraging your child do the same. If a parent misses more than 5 parent sessions they (and therefore their adolescent) will have “dropped out” of skills group and will no longer be billed for group sessions.  Parents no longer attend skills group if their teen/young adult transitions to graduate group.

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